Inform, Identify, Persuade (3rd) Version


978-623-7489-80-1 (PDF)

Alfiansyah Zulkarnain, S.Sn., M.Ds.
Brian Alvin Hananto, S.Sn., M.Ds.
Ellis Melini, S.Sn., M.T.
Kartika Magdalena Suwanto, S.Ds.

Jumlah halaman
274 halaman

Ukuran buku
21 cm x 24 cm

This book, titled “Inform, Identify, Persuade” consists of selected student works from our Graphic Design Concentration students from 2017-2019 from various studio courses offered in the department. It is a showcase of students’ progress and achievement in developing into that role of graphic designers. It is also a record of design and cultural trends in the era, marking it as a historical artefact of art and design. We could also see it as a milestone for the department in pursuing a curriculum that could bring positive and restorative value to the visual world and society. And lastly, I hope this book could also become an inspiration to anyone reading.

Akses Buku Digital


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